News & Events

Adnan Shares Training Tips with GEARS I recently shared some endurance training advice with the Greater Eugene...
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Miller Makes First Cross Crusade Podium AES Athlete Mark Miller rode to a 3rd place finish at the Cascade Locks rou...
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Kennedy’s Great Weekend in The Gorge AES Athlete Ann Kennedy of the Cycling Team had a nice ...
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Tips for Athletes

Adnan Shares Training Tips with GEARS I recently shared some endurance training advice with the Greater Eugene...
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Vegetarian Diet and Sports Performance–Guest Post by Natalie Brooks of OptimaDiet There are many reasons people choose to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.&...
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How to Put on Your Vest While Riding ...
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Chicks on bikes radio Lit edition–part 2

Today I again co-hosted Chicks on Bike Radio.  April and I spoke with Kelli Refer, the author of Pedal, Stretch, Breathe: The Yoga of Bicycling,  and Susan Meyers, who wrote The Hamster Ride & 25 Other Short Biking Stories.

We had a great conversation about cycling, balance, friendliness, and life.  Have a listen right here:

Listen to internet radio with Chicks On Bikes Radio on Blog Talk Radio

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